Mass fluctuations in non-rotating BTZ black holes

Hyewon Han, Bogeun Gwak

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We investigate the impact of oscillations of a black hole's mass around its average value on the three-dimensional black hole geometry. Drawing on a classical framework that conceptualizes fluctuations near an event horizon as mass variations, we introduce a model where the metric of a black hole, formed from the collapse of a massive null shell, exhibits oscillatory behavior in spherical modes. This dynamic is encapsulated by a non-rotating BTZ-Vaidya solution, characterized by the black hole mass fluctuating at a resonant frequency ω and a small amplitude parameter μ0. Using a perturbative approach, solutions to the null geodesic equation are determined up to the second order in μ0. The temporal fluctuations of the event horizon's location induce alterations in the thermodynamic variables' values. Upon calculating the time-averaged values, the mean Hawking temperature experiences a slight decrease due to these fluctuations, while the mean entropy exhibits an increase. Furthermore, the study explores the influence of these fluctuations on the trajectories of null rays near the horizon, which ultimately reach the anti-de Sitter boundary at late times. The analytical computation of the general solution for the perturbed rays up to the second order underscores the novel approach of this study in examining the effects of mass oscillations on black hole thermodynamics and geometry, thereby contributing a unique perspective to the field.

Original languageEnglish
Article number138980
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
StatePublished - Oct 2024


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