Matrilin-3 codelivery with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells promotes articular cartilage regeneration in a rat osteochondral defect model

Manjunatha S. Muttigi, Byoung Ju Kim, Bogyu Choi, Arai Yoshie, Hemant Kumar, Inbo Han, Hansoo Park, Soo Hong Lee

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24 Scopus citations


Matrilin-3 is an essential extracellular matrix component present only in cartilaginous tissues. Matrilin-3 exerts chondroprotective effects by regulating an anti-inflammatory function and extracellular matrix components. We hypothesized that the codelivery of matrilin-3 with infrapatellar adipose-tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (Ad-MSCs) may enhance articular cartilage regeneration. Matrilin-3 treatment of Ad-MSCs in serum-free media induced collagen II and aggrecan expression, and matrilin-3 in chondrogenic media also enhanced in vitro chondrogenic differentiation. Next, the in vivo effect of matrilin-3 codelivery with Ad-MSCs on cartilage regeneration was assessed in an osteochondral defect model in Sprague Dawley rats: Ad-MSCs and hyaluronic acid were implanted at the defect site with or without matrilin-3 (140, 280, and 700 ng). Safranin O staining revealed that matrilin-3 (140 and 280 ng) treatment significantly improved cartilage regeneration and glycosaminoglycan accumulation. In the animals treated with 140-ng matrilin-3, in particular, the defect site exhibited complete integration with surrounding tissue and a smooth glistening surface. The International Cartilage Repair Society macroscopic and O'Driscoll microscopic scores for regenerated cartilage were furthermore shown to be considerably higher for this group (matrilin-3; 140 ng) compared with the other groups. Furthermore, the defects treated with 140-ng matrilin-3 revealed significant hyaline-like cartilage regeneration in the osteochondral defect model; in contrast, the defects treated with 700-ng matrilin-3 exhibited drastically reduced cartilage regeneration with mixed hyaline–fibrocartilage morphology. Codelivery of matrilin-3 with Ad-MSCs significantly influenced articular cartilage regeneration, supporting the potential use of this tissue-specific protein for a cartilage-targeted stem cell therapy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)667-675
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2018


  • cartilage tissue regeneration
  • chondrogenic differentiation
  • matrilin-3
  • mesenchymal stem cell
  • osteochondral defect
  • targeted stem cell therapy


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