Mesoporous Ge/GeO2/carbon lithium-ion battery anodes with high capacity and high reversibility

Jongkook Hwang, Changshin Jo, Min Gyu Kim, Jinyoung Chun, Eunho Lim, Seongseop Kim, Sanha Jeong, Youngsik Kim, Jinwoo Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

156 Scopus citations


We report mesoporous composite materials (m-GeO2, m-GeO2/C, and m-Ge-GeO2/C) with large pore size which are synthesized by a simple block copolymer directed self-assembly. m-Ge/GeO2/C shows greatly enhanced Coulombic efficiency, high reversible capacity (1631 mA h g-1), and stable cycle life compared with the other mesoporous and bulk GeO2 electrodes. m-Ge/GeO2/C exhibits one of the highest areal capacities (1.65 mA h cm-2) among previously reported Ge- and GeO2-based anodes. The superior electrochemical performance in m-Ge/GeO2/C arises from the highly improved kinetics of conversion reaction due to the synergistic effects of the mesoporous structures and the conductive carbon and metallic Ge.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5299-5309
Number of pages11
JournalACS Nano
Issue number5
StatePublished - 26 May 2015


  • block copolymer
  • catalytic function
  • germanium oxide
  • lithium-ion batteries
  • mesoporous materials


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