Metabolic versatility of microbial methane oxidation for biocatalytic methane conversion

Taek Jin Kang, Eun Yeol Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Methane is utilized aerobically and anaerobically as a carbon and energy source by methanotrophs. Microbial methane oxidation can play a key role in mitigating methane as a greenhouse gas and converting methane to value-added chemicals and biofuels. Recently, genomic and metabolomic analyses of aerobic oxidation in model bacteria have revealed their metabolic versatility in assimilating methane to generate value-added metabolites. Anaerobic reverse methanogenesis metabolism can also be employed to produce liquid biofuels. In this review, the metabolic versatility of aerobic and anaerobic methane oxidation is compared and discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8-13
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
StatePublished - 25 Mar 2016


  • Aerobic oxidation
  • Metabolic versatility
  • Methane
  • Methanotroph
  • Reverse methanogenesis


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