Microalgae: A green eco-friendly agents for bioremediation of tannery wastewater with simultaneous production of value-added products

Anuradha Devi, Meenakshi Verma, Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale, Rijuta Ganesh Saratale, Luiz Fernando R. Ferreira, Sikandar I. Mulla, Ram Naresh Bharagava

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

37 Scopus citations


Tannery wastewater (TWW) has high BOD, COD, TS and variety of pollutants like chromium, formaldehydes, biocides, oils, chlorophenols, detergents and phthalates etc. Besides these pollutants, TWW also rich source of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon and sulphur etc. that can be utilized by microalgae during their growth. Direct disposal of TWW into the environment may lead severe environmental and health threats, therefore it needs to be treated adequately. Microalgae are considered as an efficient microorganisms (fast growing, adaptability and strain robustness, high surface to volume ratio, energy saving) for remediation of wastewaters with simultaneous biomass recovery and generation of value-added products (VAPs) such as biofuels, biohydrogen, biopolymer, biofertilizer, pigments, bioethanol, bioactive compounds, nutraceutical etc. Most microalgae are photosynthetic and use CO2 and light energy to synthesise carbohydrate and reduces the emission of greenhouse gasses. Microalgae are also reported to remove heavy metals and antibiotics from wastewaters by bioaccumulation, biodegradation and biosorption. Microalgal treatment can be an alternative of conventional processes with generation of VAPs. The use of biotechnology in wastewater remediation with simultaneous generation of VAPs is trending. The validation of economic viability and environmental sustainability, life cycle assessment studies and techno-economic analysis is undergoing. Thus, in this review, the characteristics of TWW and microalgae are summarized, which manifest microalgae as potential candidates for wastewater remediation with simultaneous production of VAPs. Further, the treatment mechanisms, various factors (physical, chemical, mechanical and biological etc.) affecting treatment efficiency as well as challenges associated with microalgal remediation are also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number139192
StatePublished - Sep 2023


  • Biomass
  • Microalgae
  • Tannery wastewater
  • Treatment
  • Value added products


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