Model reduction applied to empirical models for biomass gasification in downdraft gasifiers

Michael Binns, Hafiz Muhammad Uzair Ayub

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7 Scopus citations


Various modeling approaches have been suggested for the modeling and simulation of gasification processes. These models allow for the prediction of gasifier performance at different conditions and using different feedstocks from which the system parameters can be optimized to design efficient gasifiers. Complex models require significant time and effort to develop, and they might only be accurate for use with a specific catalyst. Hence, various simpler models have also been developed, including thermodynamic equilibrium models and empirical models, which can be developed and solved more quickly, allowing such models to be used for optimization. In this study, linear and quadratic expressions in terms of the gasifier input value parameters are developed based on linear regression. To identify significant parameters and reduce the complexity of these expressions, a LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) shrinkage method is applied together with cross validation. In this way, the significant parameters are revealed and simple models with reasonable accuracy are obtained.

Original languageEnglish
Article number12191
JournalSustainability (Switzerland)
Issue number21
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2021


  • Biomass gasification
  • Computer modeling
  • Computer simulation
  • Machine learning
  • Model reduction
  • Regression


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