Modulation of the electrical properties in amorphous indium-gallium zinc-oxide semiconductor films using hydrogen incorporation

Aeran Song, Hyun Woo Park, Kwun Bum Chung, You Seung Rim, Kyoung Seok Son, Jun Hyung Lim, Hye Yong Chu

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18 Scopus citations


The electrical properties of amorphous-indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (a-IGZO) thin films were investigated after thermal annealing and plasma treatment under different gas conditions. The electrical resistivity of a-IGZO thin films post-treated in a hydrogen ambient were lower than those without treatment and those annealed in air, regardless of the methods used for both thermal annealing and plasma treatment. The electrical properties can be explained by the quantity of hydrogen incorporated into the samples and the changes in the electronic structure in terms of the chemical bonding states, the distribution of the near-conduction-band unoccupied states, and the band alignment. As a result, the carrier concentrations of the hydrogen treated a-IGZO thin films increased, while the mobility decreased, due to the increase in the oxygen vacancies from the occurrence of unoccupied states in both shallow and deep levels.

Original languageEnglish
Article number243507
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number24
StatePublished - 11 Dec 2017


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