Multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated ZnMoO4 nanoflakes and their supercapacitive property

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5 Scopus citations


In this work, multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated ZnMoO4 nanoflakes are synthesized by facile and rapid template-free hydrothermal approach. The prepared materials are characterized by various characteristic techniques. The synthesized materials are subjected as electrode materials for supercapacitive properties. The specific capacitance of 737 F g−1 is obtained at the current density of 1 A g−1 from ZnMoO4 nanoflakes. Further, the capacitance of prepared material is improved by doping a small amount of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). As a result, the specific capacitance of 1004 F g−1 is observed at 1 A g−1 from MWCNT/ZnMoO4 composite. The constancy of the prepared materials is performed up to 5000 cycles at 5 A g−1. Further, aqueous asymmetric supercapacitor is also designed by MWCNT/ZnMoO4 (as positive electrode) and activated carbon (AC) (as negative electrode). The high energy density of 28.61 W h kg−1 is calculated with power density of 725.52 W kg−1 from MWCNT/ZnMoO4//AC device. In addition, two yellow color LEDs are also powered by series connected two MWCNT/ZnMoO4//AC devices.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110551
JournalDiamond and Related Materials
StatePublished - Dec 2023


  • Energy density and power density
  • MWCNT/ZnMoO nanocomposite
  • Supercapacitor
  • ZnMoO nanoflakes


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