Multimodal human recognition in significantly low illumination environment using modified enlightenGAN

Ja Hyung Koo, Se Woon Cho, Na Rae Baek, Kang Ryoung Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Human recognition in indoor environments occurs both during the day and at night. During the day, human recognition encounters performance degradation owing to a blur generated when a camera captures a person’s image. However, when images are captured at night with a camera, it is difficult to obtain perfect images of a person without light, and the input images are very noisy owing to the properties of camera sensors in low-illumination environments. Studies have been conducted in the past on face recognition in low-illumination environments; however, there is lack of research on face-and body-based human recognition in very low illumination environments. To solve these problems, this study proposes a modified enlighten generative adversarial network (modified EnlightenGAN) in which a very low illumination image is converted to a normal illumination image, and the matching scores of deep convolutional neural network (CNN) features of the face and body in the converted image are combined with a score-level fusion for recognition. The two types of databases used in this study are the Dongguk face and body database version 3 (DFB-DB3) and the ChokePoint open dataset. The results of the experiment conducted using the two databases show that the human verification accuracy (equal error rate (ERR)) and identification accuracy (rank 1 genuine acceptance rate (GAR)) of the proposed method were 7.291% and 92.67% for DFB-DB3 and 10.59% and 87.78% for the ChokePoint dataset, respectively. Accordingly, the performance of the proposed method was better than the previous methods.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1934
Issue number16
StatePublished - Aug 2021


  • CNN
  • Image enhancement
  • Modified EnlightenGAN
  • Multimodal human recognition
  • Very low illumination environment


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