Nuclear-induced dephasing and signatures of hyperfine effects in isotopically purified C 13 graphene

Vincent Strenzke, Jana M. Meyer, Isabell Grandt-Ionita, Marta Prada, Hyun Seok Kim, Martin Heilmann, Joao Marcelo J. Lopes, Lars Tiemann, Robert H. Blick

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2 Scopus citations


The hyperfine interaction between the spins of electrons and nuclei is both a blessing and a curse. It can provide a wealth of information when used as an experimental probing technique but it can also be destructive when it acts as a dephasive perturbation on the electronic system. In this paper, we fabricated large-scale single and multilayer isotopically purified C13 graphene Hall bars to search for interaction effects between the nuclear magnetic moments and the electronic system. We find signatures of nuclei with a spin in the analysis of the weak localization phenomenon that shows a significant dichotomy in the scattering times of monolayer C12 and C13 graphene close to the Dirac point. Microwave-induced electron spin flips were exploited to transfer momentum to the nuclei and build-up a nuclear field. The presence of a very weak nuclear field is encoded in a modulation of the electron Zeeman energy which shifts the energy for resonant absorption and reduces the g factor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number144303
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number14
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2022


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