Numerical investigation of ferrofluid preparation during in-vitro culture of cancer therapy for magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia

Izaz Raouf, Piotr Gas, Heung Soo Kim

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18 Scopus citations


Recently, in-vitro studies of magnetic nanoparticle (MNP) hyperthermia have attracted significant attention because of the severity of this cancer therapy for in-vivo culture. Accurate temperature evaluation is one of the key challenges of MNP hyperthermia. Hence, numerical studies play a crucial role in evaluating the thermal behavior of ferrofluids. As a result, the optimum therapeutic conditions can be achieved. The presented research work aims to develop a comprehensive numerical model that directly correlates the MNP hyperthermia parameters to the thermal response of the in-vitro model using optimization through linear response theory (LRT). For that purpose, the ferrofluid solution is evaluated based on various parameters, and the temperature distribution of the system is estimated in space and time. Consequently, the optimum conditions for the ferrofluid preparation are estimated based on experimental and mathematical findings. The reliability of the presented model is evaluated via the correlation analysis between magnetic and calorimetric methods for the specific loss power (SLP) and intrinsic loss power (ILP) calculations. Besides, the presented numerical model is verified with our experimental setup. In summary, the proposed model offers a novel approach to investigate the thermal diffusion of a non-adiabatic ferrofluid sample intended for MNP hyperthermia in cancer treatment.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5545
Issue number16
StatePublished - 2 Aug 2021


  • Cancer therapy
  • Ferrofluid parameters
  • Heat transfer analysis
  • Induction heating
  • Linear response theory
  • Magnetic hyperthermia
  • Magnetic nanoparticles


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