Numerical Verification of Dielectric Contactor as Auxiliary Loads for Measuring the Multi-Port Network Parameter of Vertical Interconnection Array

Byungjin Bae, Jingook Kim, Ki Jin Han

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


For the accurate and reliable multi-port characterization of vertical interconnection array structures, this paper presents an indirect-contact probing method to obtain network parameters of N-port device-under-tests (DUTs) using an M-port (N > M) vector network analyzer (VNA) with a dielectric contactor. By utilizing the dielectric contactor as auxiliary loads for un-probed ports for vertical interconnections, multiple M-port sub-array network parameters can be correctly synthesized into the N-port network parameters through the renormalization processes. To verify the proposed method, four-port DUTs for packaging and microwave applications were characterized with two-port indirect-contact probing sub-array simulations including the dielectric contactor. Compared with two-port direct-contact probing simulations without the dielectric contactor, it was confirmed that the proposed method with the dielectric contactor provides improved accuracy in terms of the feature selective validation (FSV) method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9119390
Pages (from-to)117997-118004
Number of pages8
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - 2020


  • de-embedding
  • Dielectric contactor
  • multi-port network
  • port impedance
  • renormalization
  • termination load
  • vertical interconnection


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