Observation of Kondo condensation in a degenerately doped silicon metal

Hyunsik Im, Dong Uk Lee, Yongcheol Jo, Jongmin Kim, Yonuk Chong, Woon Song, Hyungsang Kim, Eun Kyu Kim, Taewon Yuk, Sang Jin Sin, Soonjae Moon, Jonathan R. Prance, Yuri A. Pashkin, Jaw Shen Tsai

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6 Scopus citations


When a magnetic moment is embedded in a metal, it captures nearby itinerant electrons to form a so-called Kondo cloud. When magnetic impurities are sufficiently dense that their individual clouds overlap with each other they are expected to form a correlated electronic ground state. This is known as Kondo condensation and can be considered a magnetic version of Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer pair formation. Here, we examine this phenomenon by performing electrical transport and high-precision tunnelling density-of-states spectroscopy measurements in a highly P-doped crystalline silicon metal in which disorder-induced localized magnetic moments exist. We detect the Kondo effect in the resistivity of the Si metal at temperatures below 2 K and an unusual pseudogap in the density of states with gap edge peaks below 100 mK. The pseudogap and peaks are tuned by applying an external magnetic field and transformed into a metallic Altshuler–Aronov gap associated with a paramagnetic disordered Fermi liquid phase. We interpret these observations as evidence of Kondo condensation followed by a transition to a disordered Fermi liquid.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)676-681
Number of pages6
JournalNature Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2023


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