Optical, structural, and magnetic properties of p-type GaN implanted with Fe + (5 and 10 at%)

Yoon Shon, Young S. Park, Seejoon Lee, H. C. Jeon, Y. H. Kwon, T. W. Kang, Jin Soak Kim, Eun Kyu Kim, C. K. Kim, C. S. Yoon

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p-type GaN epilayers were prepared by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition and subsequently implanted with Fe +. The results of energy dispersive X-ray peak displayed the Fe-injected concentration of 5 and 10 at%, respectively. The results of photoluminescence measurement show that optical transitions related to Fe appear at 2.5 and 3.1 eV. It was confirmed that the photoluminescence peak at 2.5 eV is a donor-Fe acceptor transition and the photoluminescence peak at 3.1 eV is a conduction band-Fe acceptor transition. Apparent ferromagnetic hysteresis loops measured at 10 and 300 K with the Fe concentration of 10 at% were observed, and the temperature-dependent magnetization displayed a ferromagnetic behavior persisting up to 300 K. The systematic enhancement of ferromagnetic hysteresis loops for GaN implanted with high doses of Fe (5 → 10 at%) takes place with an increase in the annealing temperature from 700 to 850°C. The trends of magnetic properties coincide with the results of the increased full width at half maximum of triple axis diffraction for GaN (0002) including the appearance of GaFeN, the enhanced Fe-related photoluminescence transitions, and the increased sizes of symmetric spin ferromagnetic domains GaFeN in atomic force microscopy and magnetic force microscopy systematically.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)78-85
Number of pages8
JournalPhysica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2007


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