Ordered-mesoporous Nb2O5/carbon composite as a sodium insertion material

Haegyeom Kim, Eunho Lim, Changshin Jo, Gabin Yoon, Jongkook Hwang, Sanha Jeong, Jinwoo Lee, Kisuk Kang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

133 Scopus citations


The present work introduces a new intercalation host for the Na ions, Nb2O5, and proposes that a mesoporous Nb2O5/carbon composite can function as a promising sodium insertion material. The highly ordered mesoporous Nb2O5/carbon electrode, synthesized using a block copolymer-assisted one-pot method, demonstrated not only a stable cycle life, but also outstanding rate capability. The excellent Na storage properties of the Nb2O5/carbon electrode were due to the uniquely ordered mesoporous nanostructure and in situ carbon formation whose configuration provided a large electrode-electrolyte interface area and enhanced Na ion and electron transport. Ex situ analyses revealed that Nb2O5 stores Na ions through Na de/intercalation reactions combined with surface capacitive reactions, after the activation process during the first sodiation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-70
Number of pages9
JournalNano Energy
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2015


  • Electrode
  • Intercalation compounds
  • Mesoporous
  • NbO
  • Sodium ion batteries


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