
Background: The Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) model is the predominant multidisciplinary model that responds to child sexual abuse (CSA) in the United States (US). While the CAC model has made important contributions in case coordination and referrals for specialty services, little is known about child- or family-oriented outcomes. Objective: Explore the trends and gaps involving outcome and output measures affiliated with CACs in the US. Participants & setting: A scoping review of the literature was conducted on English language articles published between 1985–2019 that involved CACs and children less than 18 years of age. Methods: An electronic database search using the terms “Children's Advocacy Center(s),” “Child Advocacy Center(s),” and “CAC(s)" identified titles and abstracts. Data from articles selected for full text review were evaluated by a multidisciplinary team using a mixed methods approach. Results: Measures of CAC impact frequently focus on service and programmatic outputs with person-centered outcomes left often reported. The most prevalent output measures related to case prosecution and forensic interviews. Person-centered outcomes most commonly emphasized child mental health and caregiver satisfaction. The majority of articles were limited by weak or unspecified study designs. Conclusion: The current literature on CACs suggests that while they are successful in coordinating services and facilitating referrals, little is known about how engagement with CACs impacts short- and long-term outcomes for children and families. Further research beyond cross sectional or quasi-experimental designs is necessary to better understand how variability in CAC structure, function, and resources can be optimized to meet the needs of the diverse communities that they serve. This is especially salient given the national dissemination of the CAC model. Without such additional studies, knowledge will remain limited regarding the enduring impacts of CACs on the lives of those impacted by CSA.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104828
JournalChild Abuse and Neglect
StatePublished - Jan 2021


  • CACs
  • Child abuse
  • Childhood abuse
  • Children's Advocacy Centers
  • Outcomes
  • Outputs


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