Preliminary findings from an analysis of lighting energy use of office building in Korea

Sung Im Kim, Jin Gyeong Kang, Hye Sun Jin, Bo Hye Choi, Jae Han Lim, Seung Yeong Song, In Ho Yang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


In Korea, energy consumption information for existing building is provided to primary energy consumption by fuel types (electric, gas, and district heating) from energy service utilities. To be more effective building energy management nationally, it should be to manage building energy consumption by end use. For this, it is the best approach to collect direct end-use metering data for all buildings but in practically very difficult because of expense and long time. Moreover, it is not appropriate only the application of the building energy simulation based on model to derive energy consumption by end use due to error with energy consumption of actual building. Therefore LBNL has been developed algorithm to estimate energy end use since 1980, the results are EnergyIQ based on web service. The final goal of this research is to develop algorithm to estimate energy end use with real state of Korea, so by selecting the reference buildings to meet the statistical significance level, it is necessary to collect on-site metered data. In this study, the end-use sub-metering of office building in Seoul is ongoing hourly into cooling, heating, ventilation, domestic hot water, lighting, office equipment, elevator, miscellaneous since 1 March 2015. Weather conditions are not a crucial factor for lighting energy consumption in existing office building. So based on this sub-metering data, first we carried out an analysis of lighting energy use profile to utilize basic data in lighting energy consumption estimation.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationISES Solar World Congress 2015, Conference Proceedings
EditorsDavid Renne, Taebeom Seo, Manuel Romero
PublisherInternational Solar Energy Society
Number of pages9
ISBN (Electronic)9783981465952
StatePublished - 2015
EventInternational Solar Energy Society, ISES Solar World Congress 2015, SWC 2015 - Daegu, Korea, Republic of
Duration: 8 Nov 201512 Nov 2015

Publication series

NameISES Solar World Congress 2015, Conference Proceedings


ConferenceInternational Solar Energy Society, ISES Solar World Congress 2015, SWC 2015
Country/TerritoryKorea, Republic of


  • End-use sub-metering
  • Estimation of energy end-use consumption
  • Lighting energy use
  • Office building


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