Quantification and Validation of an HPLC Method for Low Concentrations of Apigenin-7-O-Glucuronide in Agrimonia pilosa Aqueous Ethanol Extract Topical Cream by Liquid–Liquid Extraction

Jin Seok Lee, Yu Ran Nam, Hyun Jong Kim, Woo Kyung Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


In this study, we aimed to develop and validate a pretreatment method for separating and analyzing the small amounts of biomarkers contained in topical cream formulations. Analyzing semisolid formulations that contain low concentrations of active ingredients is difficult. Cream formulations containing an aqueous ethanol extract of 0.1% Agrimonia pilosa is an example. Approximately 0.0013% of apigenin-7-O-glucuronide(A7OG) was contained as a biomarker in the cream. To determine the A7OG content present in the cream formulation, liquid–liquid extraction using dichlormethane was applied. In addition, the volume of the distribution liquid was measured using the peak ratios of the indicator component, A7OG, and an internal standard, baicalin. Subsequently, the A7OG content in the cream formulation was calculated. Using this time-saving method, A7OG can be simply analyzed without additional pretreatment steps, such as evaporation and reconstitution. Moreover, the validation results confirmed that this analytical method met all of the criteria. Consequently, A7OG was successfully isolated from the cream, analyzed, and quantified using the developed method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number713
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 2023


  • Agrimonia pilosa
  • apigenin-7-O-glucuronide
  • cream
  • validation


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