Reconfigurable Multivalue Logic Functions of a Silicon Ellipsoidal Quantum-Dot Transistor Operating at Room Temperature

Youngmin Lee, Jin Woo Lee, Sejoon Lee, Toshiro Hiramoto, Kang L. Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


Reconfigurable multivalue logic functions, which can perform the versatile arithmetic computation of weighted electronic data information, are demonstrated at room temperature on an all-around-gate silicon ellipsoidal quantum-dot transistor. The large single-hole transport energy of the silicon quantum ellipsoid allows the stable M-shaped Coulomb blockade oscillation characteristics at room temperature, and the all-around-gate structure of the fabricated transistor enables us to perform the precise self-control of the energetic Coulomb blockade conditions by changing the applied bias voltage. Such a self-controllability of the M-shaped Coulomb blockade oscillation characteristics provides a great advantage to choose multiple operation points for the reconfigurable multivalue logic functions. Consequently, the weighted data states (e.g., tri-value and quattro-value) are effectively demonstrated by utilizing only the device physics in the all-around-gate silicon ellipsoidal quantum-dot transistor. These findings are of great benefit for the practical application of the silicon quantum device at an elevated temperature for future nanoelectronic information technology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)18483-18493
Number of pages11
JournalACS Nano
Issue number11
StatePublished - 23 Nov 2021


  • multivalue logic
  • quantum dot
  • room-temperature operation
  • silicon
  • single-electron tunneling


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