Reconstruction of a rabbit corneal epithelium on a lyophilized amniotic membrane using tilting air-liquid interface culture followed by tilting submerged culture

Jae Il Ahn, In Keun Jang, Young Kwon Seo, Hee Hoon Yoon, Yeon Ho Shin, Jae Chan Kim, Kye Yong Song, Eun Kyung Yang, Jung Keug Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Herein, we reconstructed a rabbit corneal epithelium on a lyophilized amniotic membrane (LAM) using a modified version of two Teflon rings (the Ahn's supporter). We compared the corneal epithelial cells we had differentiated in vitro using air-liquid interface (6 days, 12 days) and submerged (6 days, 12 days) cultures and followed a six-day tilting dynamic air-liquid interface culture with a six-day tilting submerged culture. We characterized the reconstructed corneal epithelium using digital photography, histological imaging, and transmission electron microscopy. The reconstructed corneal epithelium created under air-liquid interface culture exhibited a healthier basal corneal epithelial layer than that created under submerged culture. The reconstructed corneal epithelium on the LAM that was produced using the tilting dymanic culture exhibited a healthy basal layer. We therefore proposed that tilting submerged culture not only supplied nutrients from the medium to the corneal epithelial cells on the LAM, but it also removed the horny layer in the upper part of the reconstructed corneal epithelium, presumably by mimicking the effects of blinking. This study demonstrated that corneal epithelium reconstruction on a LAM using a tilting submerged culture after a tilting air-liquid interface culture may be useful not only for allogeneic or autologous transplantation, but also for in vitro toxicological test kits.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)279-287
Number of pages9
JournalBiotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 2008


  • Blinking effects
  • Corneal epithelium
  • Horny layer
  • Lyophilized amniotic membrane


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