Relationship between FEV1 and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in General Population without Airflow Limitation

Jeong Hyeon Lee, Yun Seong Kang, Yun Jeong Jeong, Young Soon Yoon, Won Gun Kwack, Jin Young Oh

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2 Scopus citations


Purpose. We aimed to determine the value of lung function measurement for predicting cardiovascular (CV) disease by evaluating the association between FEV1 (%) and CV risk factors in general population. Materials and Methods. This was a cross-sectional, retrospective study of subjects above 18 years of age who underwent health examinations. The relationship between FEV1 (%) and presence of carotid plaque and thickened carotid IMT (≥0.8 mm) was analyzed by multiple logistic regression, and the relationship between FEV1 (%) and PWV (%), and serum uric acid was analyzed by multiple linear regression. Various factors were adjusted by using Model 1 and Model 2. Results. 1,003 subjects were enrolled in this study and 96.7% (n=970) of the subjects were men. In both models, the odds ratio of the presence of carotid plaque and thickened carotid IMT had no consistent trend and statistical significance. In the analysis of the PWV (%) and uric acid, there was no significant relationship with FEV1 (%) in both models. Conclusion. FEV1 had no significant relationship with CV risk factors. The result suggests that FEV1 may have no association with CV risk factors or may be insensitive to detecting the association in general population without airflow limitation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8319849
JournalCanadian Respiratory Journal
StatePublished - 2016


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