Relay-Assisted load balancing scheme based on practical throughput estimation

Won Tae Yu, Jeongsik Choi, Woong Hee Lee, Seong Cheol Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In cellular network environments, where users are not evenly distributed across cells, overloaded base stations handling many users have difficulties in providing effective and fair services with their limited resources. Additionally, users at the cell edge may suffer from the potential problems resulting from low signal-To-interference ratio owing to the incessant interference from adjacent cells. In this paper, we propose a relay-Assisted load balancing scheme to resolve these traffic imbalance. The proposed scheme can improve the performance of the overall network by utilizing relay stations to divert heavy traffic to other cells, and by adopting a partial frequency-reuse scheme to mitigate inter-cell interference. Each user and relay station calculates its own utility influence in the neighboring candidates for reassociation and decides whether to stay or move to another cell presenting the maximum total network utility increment. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves the overall network fair- ness to users by improving the performance of cell boundary users without degrading the total network throughput. We achieve a system performance gain of 16 -35% when compared with conventional schemes, while ensur- ing fairness among users.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)242-252
Number of pages11
JournalIEICE Transactions on Communications
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2018


  • Cellular network
  • Load balancing
  • Proportional fairness
  • Relay station
  • User association


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