Secure cloud storage service using bloom filters for the internet of things

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) is used for convenience in everyday life in many areas. Owing to the fact that the data collected from the IoT are generated in large quantities, cloud computing is inevitably used to store and analyze the data. However, cloud storage is not owned by the user, so it is unreliable. Verifying the integrity of data collected in an IoT environment and stored in a cloud has two problems: a large amount of data needs to be verified, and the data verification should be done directly on the IoT device. Many methods for data integrity verification use trusted third parties and devices that provide sufficient resources. However, it is difficult to directly apply existing research to the IoT devices that have limited resources. This paper proposes a secure cloud storage service for an IoT environment that is based on a provable data possession model and uses Bloom filters. The experimental results showed that the proposed method saves time and has no significant differences in the verification rate with existing methods, even though the Bloom filter causes false positives. Therefore, the proposed service can effectively process a large amount of data generated in an IoT environment.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8709624
Pages (from-to)60897-60907
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - 2019


  • Access control
  • computer security
  • cryptography
  • data security
  • data storage systems
  • distributed computing
  • Internet of Things


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