Self-assembled single-phase perovskite nanocomposite thin films

Hyun Suk Kim, Lei Bi, Hanjong Paik, Dae Jin Yang, Yun Chang Park, Gerald F. Dionne, Caroline A. Ross

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Thin films of perovskite-structured oxides with general Formula ABO 3 have great potential in electronic devices because of their unique properties, which include the high dielectric constant of titanates. 1high-Tc superconductivity in cuprates.2 and colossal magnetoresistance in manganites.3 These properties are intimately dependent on, and can therefore be tailored by, the microstructure, orientation, and strain state of the film. Here, we demonstrate the growth of cubic Sr(Ti,Fe)O3 (STF) films with an unusual self-assembled nanocomposite microstructure consisting of (100) and (110)-oriented crystals, both of which grow epitaxially with respect to the Si substrate and which are therefore homoepitaxial with each other. These structures differ from previously reported self-assembled oxide nanocomposites, which consist either of two different materials4-7 or of single-phase distorted-cubic materials that exhibit two or more variants.8-12 Moreover, an epitaxial nanocomposite SrTiO3 overlayer can be grown on the STF, extending the range of compositions over which this microstructure can be formed. This offers the potential for the implementation of self-organized optical/ ferromagnetic or ferromagnetic/ferroelectric hybrid nanostructures Integrated on technologically important Si substrates with applications in magnetooptical or spintronic devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)597-602
Number of pages6
JournalNano Letters
Issue number2
StatePublished - 10 Feb 2010


  • Fe-doping
  • Oxide nanocomposite
  • Pulsed laser deposition
  • Self-assembly
  • Strontium titanate


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