Sexual Abuse Prevention Mobile Application (SAP_MobAPP) for Primary School Children in Korea

Kyoung Ja Moon, Kyung Min Park, Yunsick Sung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


This study aimed to develop and evaluate the effects of a sexual abuse prevention mobile application, SAP_MobAPP, for primary school children. Forty-five subjects were trained for 40 minutes once a week. The experimental group received education that utilized the SAP_MobAPP. Control group A received Web based sexual abuse prevention education, while control group B received textbook based sexual abuse prevention education. Effectiveness was verified through a survey on child sexual abuse recognition and avoidance skills administered before and after training. The SAP_MobAPP program improved recognition (awareness) and the child’s skills to avoid child sexual abuse situations, and the effects were long-lasting. However, differences between groups were not statistically significant. This study developed a sexual abuse prevention application and verified its effectiveness. Awareness and skills to avoid child sexual abuse after app education increased immediately after training and four weeks later. The SAP_MobAPP could be used for sexual abuse prevention education in schools.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)573-589
Number of pages17
JournalJournal of Child Sexual Abuse
Issue number5
StatePublished - 4 Jul 2017


  • Mobile applications
  • prevention
  • primary school
  • sexual abuse


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