Solution volume effect on structural, optical and photovoltaic properties of nebulizer spray deposited SnS thin films

A. M.S. Arulanantham, S. Valanarasu, A. Kathalingam, K. Jeyadheepan

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19 Scopus citations


SnS thin films deposited using nebulizer spray pyrolysis method by changing the precursor solution volume is reported in this work. The prepared films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectrum, atomic force microscopy, EDAX, UV–Vis spectroscopy and PL spectrofluorometer analysis. Electrical studies done using Hall Effect measurement for the film is also reported. Structural and surface morphological analyses showed high crystalline single phase of SnS thin films with relatively low surface roughness. Optical studies done on the films revealed a decrease in band gap from 1.82 to 1.73 eV for the increase of solution volume from 5 to 15 ml. The CdS film prepared by this method showed a maximum of 75% transmittance and band gap of 2.51 eV. Prepared SnS thin film showed p-type conductivity with resistivity 2.01 × 101 Ω cm and carrier concentration 4.71 × 1017/cm3. A FTO/n-CdS/p-SnS heterostructure was also fabricated using the grown film and studied its photoconductivity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12899-12909
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Issue number15
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2018


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