Sophisticated Conductance Control and Multiple Synapse Functions in TiO2-Based Multistack-Layer Crossbar Array Memristor for High-Performance Neuromorphic Systems

Hyojin So, Hyeonseung Ji, Sungjun Kim, Sungjoon Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


In this study, oxygen-rich TiOy and TiOx layers are intentionally designed to have different oxygen compositions, functioning as an overshoot suppression layer (OSL) and oxygen reservoirs. Furthermore, by natural oxidation reactions occurring between the TiOy/TiOx/Al2O3 switching layer and the Pt/Al top electrode, an additional AlOy layer can be induced to act as an additional OSL. The proposed annealing process accelerates the oxidation reaction of AlOy/TiOy OSLs, thereby enhancing the self-compliance feature of devices. Moreover, the ultrathin AlN serves as an oxygen barrier layer (OBL) that inhibits the movement of oxygen ions at the interface between the Al2O3 layer and the Pt/Ti bottom electrode. The optimized devices are tested by DC sweep and pulses for neuromorphic computing systems. To realize biological synapse characteristics, several key synaptic memory plasticities are proposed. Finally, a 24 × 24 crossbar array based on the 0T-1R structure, incorporating optimized AlOy/TiOy OSLs and OBL via the annealing process, is characterized. During the electroforming step, all specified target cells (marked with the letters “ESDL”) achieved self-compliance at low current levels without experiencing hard-breakdown failures or interference among neighboring cells. The successful array performance is demonstrated by the accurate tuning of target weights.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2405544
JournalAdvanced Functional Materials
Issue number51
StatePublished - 16 Dec 2024


  • cross-point array
  • neuromorphic systems
  • resistive switching
  • self-compliance
  • synaptic functions


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