Stretchy Electrochemical Harvesters for Binarized Self-Powered Strain Gauge-Based Static Motion Sensors

Hyeon Jun Sim, Jeeeun Kim, Jin Hyeong Choi, Myoungeun Oh, Changsoon Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The human monitoring system has motivated the search for new technology, leading to the development of a self-powered strain sensor. We report on the stretchable and soft stretchy electrochemical harvester (SECH) bilayer for a binarized self-powered strain gauge in dynamic and static motion. The active surface area participating in the electrochemical reaction was enhanced after stretching the SECH in the electrolyte, leading to an increase in the electrochemical double-layer capacitance. A change in the capacitance induced a change in the electrical potential of the bilayer, generating electrical energy. The SECH overcomes several challenges of the previous mechano-electrochemical harvester: The harvester had high elasticity (50%), which satisfied the required strain during human motion. The harvester was highly soft (modulus of 5.8 MPa), 103 times lower than that of the previous harvester. The SECH can be applied to a self-powered strain gauge, capable of measuring stationary deformation and low-speed motion. The SECH created a system to examine the configuration of the human body, as demonstrated by the human monitoring sensor from five independent SECH assembled on the hand. Furthermore, the sensing information was simplified through the binarized signal. It can be used to assess the hand configuration for hand signals and sign language.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4542
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2022


  • mechano-electrochemical energy harvester
  • self-powered strain sensor
  • soft
  • stretchable
  • wearable


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