Structure and stability of Al13Hn (n=1-13) clusters: Exceptional stability of Al13H13

Jaehoon Jung, Young Kyu Han

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We have performed density functional calculations for the structure and stability of Al13Hn (n=1-13) clusters. Population analysis has shown significant charge transfer occurring from the Al cluster to the H atoms. The population for Al13 varies from 0.24 (Al13H) to 2.83 (Al13H13). The shape of Al13 moieties in the Al13Hn (n ≥ 8) clusters is significantly distorted from the icosahedral structure of Al13 and is a "cagelike" form. Al13H13 has a capped icosahedron as the ground-state structure, similar to B13H13, while the shape of B 13 (planar) is different from Al13 (icosahedral). The Al13H13 cluster is predicted to be exceptionally stable on the basis of the high stabilization energy and the negative nucleus independent chemical shift value.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064306
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2006

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