Studies on optical and electrical properties of SILAR-deposited CuO thin films

S. Visalakshi, R. Kannan, S. Valanarasu, A. Kathalingam, S. Rajashabala

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11 Scopus citations


CuO thin films prepared by SILAR technique using aqueous solutions of various pH values and their characterization are presented in this report. The pH dependence on structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of the prepared films is studied. Thickness of films is found to vary in between 0.52 and 0.82 µm. Microstructural parameters such as crystallite size, strain and dislocation density of the film have been evaluated. The crystallographic behaviour of the film has shown that all the coated thin films are in monoclinic structure with (002) preferred orientation. The size of the crystallites is found to increase with the pH values. Surface morphological behaviour of the films prepared using different pH values are analysed. Optical properties of the films were analysed from absorption and transmittance studies of CuO thin films. Band gap energy values of CuO thin films have been found to decrease from 2.12 to 1.91 eV with increasing pH values of the solution. The thin film formed at a solution pH 11 has shown least resistivity and high carrier concentration. The I-V characteristics of n-Si/p-CuO heterojunction under 200-watts halogen lamp illumination show open-circuit voltage of ~ 0.37 V and short-circuit current of ~1.02 × 10−6 A.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)146-151
Number of pages6
JournalMaterials Research Innovations
Issue number3
StatePublished - 16 Apr 2017


  • CuO thin films
  • Nanostructures
  • pH effect
  • Photo response
  • Van der Pauw (VDP) technique


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