Substantial Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Performances of Activated Carbon-Decorated Vanadium Pentoxide Nanocomposites

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Developing the ecofriendly and high-fidelity electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is essential to foster effective production of environmentally friendly hydrogen. Herein, we fabricated the highly efficient OER electrocatalysts of the activated carbon-decorated vanadium pentoxide (AC-V2O5) nanocomposites using a facile hydrothermal technique. The AC-V2O5 nanocomposites displayed an aggregated structure of the AC nano-sheet-anchored orthorhombic V2O5 nanorods. When performing the OER process in an alkaline electrolyte at 10 mA/cm2, AC-V2O5 exhibited the low overpotential (230 mV), small Tafel slope (54 mV/dec), and excellent stability. These substantial OER performances of AC-V2O5 could be ascribed to the synergistic effects from both the electrochemically active V2O5 nanorods and the highly conductive AC nanosheets. The results infer that the AC-V2O5 nanocomposites possess a substantial aptitude as a high-performance OER electrocatalyst for production of the future green energy source - hydrogen.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9953038
JournalInternational Journal of Energy Research
StatePublished - 2024


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