Sulfur-Rich N-Doped Co9S8Catalyst for Highly Efficient and Durable Overall Water Electrolysis Application

Abu Talha Aqueel Ahmed, Jonghoon Han, Giho Shin, Sunjung Park, Seungun Yeon, Youngsin Park, Hyungsang Kim, Hyunsik Im

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8 Scopus citations


Facile template-free controllable growth of freestanding polyhedron-like CoS onto microporous Ni foam with three-dimensional architecture via a mild hydrothermal technique is reported. The as-obtained CoS catalyst phase was first tailored to N-Co9S8 (nitrogen doped Co9S8), and its inherent reaction kinetics and conductivity were then enhanced through sulfur incorporation via a hydrothermal process. The electrochemical performance of the pristine CoS and a sulfur-enriched N-Co9S8 (S, N-Co9S8) electrode in alkaline 1.0 M KOH was examined. The optimized polyhedral S, N-Co9S8 structured catalyst exhibits significantly enhanced electrocatalytic activity for both oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). As a result, low overpotentials of 244 and -92 mV is required to achieve the current density of 10 mA cm-2 for the OER and HER, respectively. Furthermore, when the polyhedral S, N-Co9S8 catalyst was employed as a bifunctional catalyst in a two-electrode electrolyzer cell exhibiting a cell voltage of 1.549 V at 10 mA cm-2 and demonstrates excellent long-term (50 hrs.) chronopotentiometric electrolysis at various current rate, reveals excellent bifunctional OER and HER activities at different applied current densities. The superior OER and HER activities of the S, N-Co9S8 catalyst is result of the improved electronic conductivity and enhanced intrinsic reaction kinetics, which led to the enhanced electrocatalytically active sites after the incorporation of heteroatoms in the catalyst structure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4176447
JournalInternational Journal of Energy Research
StatePublished - 2023


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