Systematic control of the size, density and configuration of Pt nanostructures on sapphire (0 0 0 1) by the variation of deposition amount and dwelling time

Puran Pandey, Mao Sui, Quanzhen Zhang, Ming Yu Li, Sundar Kunwar, Jihoon Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


Metal nanoparticles (NPs) with controllable size, density and configuration can significantly enhance the energy conversion efficiency, detection sensitivity and catalytic activity as witnessed in various optoelectronic, optical sensing and electro-catalytic devices due to their shape and size dependent properties. In this work, we systematically investigate the evolution of the size, density and configuration of Pt nanostructures on sapphire (0 0 0 1). In particular, we have demonstrated four different configuration and evolution of Pt nanostructures with the systematic control of deposition amount (DA) based on the Volmer-Weber growth model in conjunction with the surface energy minimization mechanism, diffusion and coalescence. The various size and configuration of Pt nanostructures with respect to DA are (i) nucleation of mini-sized round shaped Pt NPs (1 ≤ DA ≤ 5 nm), (ii) growth of large sized Pt NPs (10 ≤ DA ≤ 15 nm), (iii) isolated irregular nanostructures (20 ≤ DA ≤ 30 nm) and (iv) coalesced Pt nanostructures (DA ≥ 40). On the other hand, with the increased dwelling time (DT), irregular Pt NPs are fabricated with the increased size and improved uniformity between 0 and 450 s of annealing. The growth of Pt NPs is saturated when the dwelling time reaches the critical value between 900 and 1800 s, which can be attributed to the Ostwald ripening.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)198-207
Number of pages10
JournalApplied Surface Science
StatePublished - 15 Apr 2016


  • Dewetting
  • Ostwald ripening
  • Pt nanostructures
  • Sapphire (0 0 0 1)
  • Volmer-Weber growth model


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