Tailoring Solution-Processable Li Argyrodites Li6+ xP1- xMxS5I (M = Ge, Sn) and Their Microstructural Evolution Revealed by Cryo-TEM for All-Solid-State Batteries

Yong Bae Song, Dong Hyeon Kim, Hiram Kwak, Daseul Han, Sujin Kang, Jong Hoon Lee, Seong Min Bak, Kyung Wan Nam, Hyun Wook Lee, Yoon Seok Jung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

70 Scopus citations


Owing to their high Li+ conductivities, mechanical sinterability, and solution processability, sulfide Li argyrodites have attracted much attention as enablers in the development of high-performance all-solid-state batteries with practicability. However, solution-processable Li argyrodites have been developed only for a composition of Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, I) with insufficiently high Li+ conductivities (∼10-4 S cm-1). Herein, we report the highest Li+ conductivity of 0.54 mS cm-1 at 30 °C (Li6.5P0.5Ge0.5S5I) for solution-processable iodine-based Li argyrodites. A comparative investigation of three iodine-based argyrodites of unsubstituted and Ge- and Sn-substituted solution-processed Li6PS5I with varied heat-treatment temperature elucidates the effect of microstructural evolution on Li+ conductivity. Notably, local nanostructures consisting of argyrodite nanocrystallites in solution-processed Li6.5P0.5Ge0.5S5I have been directly captured by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy, which is a first for sulfide solid electrolyte materials. Specifically, the promising electrochemical performances of all-solid-state batteries at 30 °C employing LiCoO2 electrodes tailored by the infiltration of Li6.5P0.5Ge0.5S5I-ethanol solutions are successfully demonstrated.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4337-4345
Number of pages9
JournalNano Letters
Issue number6
StatePublished - 10 Jun 2020


  • Solid-state batteries
  • cryo-TEM
  • solid electrolytes
  • solution process
  • sulfides


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