Temperature and pressure dependence of the CO2 absorption through a ceramic hollow fiber membrane contactor module

Hong Joo Lee, Min Kwang Kim, Jung Hoon Park, Edoardo Magnone

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


Temperature and pressure dependence of the CO2 absorption through a ceramic hollow fiber membrane contactor (CHFMC) modules were extensively evaluated and optimized. Results are presented for a CHFMC module consisting of 200 ceramic fibers in a single compact unit. The effect of gas temperatures and liquid absorbent temperatures was studied by altering the CO2 gas (N2 balance) and monoethanolamine (MEA) absorbent temperatures (20−50 °C). CO2 removal efficiency (%) was also evaluated as a function of CO2 gas composition (1.5–13 %, N2 balance). The CO2 removal efficiency (%) slightly increases when the temperature of the injected gas temperature increases from 20 °C to 40 °C, and then decreases as the temperature further increases from 40 °C to 50 °C. The MEA absorbent temperatures did not have a notable effect on the CHFMC module performance in the specific temperature range studied in this work. The effects of the liquid pressure drop do not appear to be significant for a given gas flow rate, but the gas pressure drop increases with gas flow rate and gas temperature. The findings in this study show that a CHFMC process is affected by the CO2 gas temperature and composition but quite independent of the MEA absorbent temperature.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107871
JournalChemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification
StatePublished - Apr 2020


  • Ceramic hollow fiber membrane contactor
  • COabsorption
  • Flue gas
  • Gas-Liquid membrane
  • Liquid absorbent
  • Module fabrication
  • Monoethanolamine


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