Toxicogenomic study to identify potential signaling alterations related to nasal inflammatory damages induced by diesel exhaust particles in primary human nasal epithelial cells

Hyun Soo Kim, Hyo Jeong Kim, Nahyun Kim, Jae Jun Song, Bu Soon Son, Jun Hyuek Yang, Cheol Min Lee, Moo Kyun Park, Young Rok Seo

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2 Scopus citations


In this study, we aimed to identify signaling alteration caused by exposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEPs) using primary human nasal epithelial cells (PHNECs). Global gene expression profiles in PHNECs following 50 and 200 μg/ml of DEP exposure were identified using microarray analysis. To cover the limitation of array-based mRNA expression analysis, text-mining-based software was used to analyze the integrative biological networks and relevant disease-focused functions among identified DEP-responsive genes. The confidence was valued based on the connectivity between the analyzed pathway and marker candidates. Through a literature-based pathway analysis, the stimulation of inflammation- and immune response-related processes mediated by TNF were predicted as major signaling alterations in PHNECs caused by DEP exposure. CSF3, CXCL8, MMP1, and VEGFA were identified as key hub genes in the predicted pathway. Significant expression level changes in the five key genes following DEP exposure were validated in terms of protein and mRNA expression. Although further studies are required, our toxicogenomic investigation provides key clues to the exact mechanism underlying DEP-induced nasal inflammatory damage. It also suggests an efficient approach for other research on adverse effects occurring in the upper respiratory tract following DEP exposure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104994
JournalToxicology in Vitro
StatePublished - Dec 2020


  • Diesel exhaust particle
  • Human primary nasal epithelial cell
  • Pathway analysis
  • Toxicogenomics


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