Two-dimensional and three-dimensional finite element analysis of finite contact width on fretting fatigue

Heung Soo Kim, Shankar Mall, Anindya Ghoshal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


Three-dimensional effects of finite contact width fretting fatigue were investigated using the combination of full three-dimensional finite element model and two-dimensional plane strain finite element model, named as a hybrid layer method. Free edge boundary effect in finite contact width fretting fatigue problem required full three-dimensional finite element analysis to obtain accurate stress state and relative displacement in contact zone. To save the computational cost with sufficient accuracy, traction distributions obtained from coarse threedimensional finite element analysis was applied to the two-dimensional plane strain finite element model. The key idea of this hybrid layer method was that traction distributions converged faster than the stresses. The proposed hybrid layer method predicted the free edge boundary effects of finite contact width fretting fatigue less than eight percent error bound and reduce the execution time to 5 percent of three-dimensional submodeling technique.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)147-154
Number of pages8
JournalMaterials Transactions
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2011


  • Contact
  • Finite element analysis
  • Fretting fatigue
  • Hybrid layer method
  • Stick-slip
  • Three-dimensional effects
  • Traction distribution


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