Unravelling the influence of interfacial tailoring in metal-organic framework-derived ultrathin sheets of Co2P/Cu3P for high-performance hybrid supercapacitor

A. M. Kale, R. Velayutham, A. D. Savariraj, M. Demir, B. C. Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with porous and diverse structures have created to devote research for MOF based materials for energy storage application, but their inadequate conductivity and sturdiness impede their realistic progress. MOF-derived transition metal phosphides (TMPs) materials could maintain the architectural diversity and porosity of MOFs, as well as, boost their electrical conductivity and durability. Herein, for the first time, we unravel the influence of interfacial tailoring in MOF templated cobalt copper phosphide (CoCuP) composite as electrode material for supercapacitor with battery-type behavior. The as-synthesized MOF-derived cobalt copper phosphide electrode (CoCuP@400) prepared at optimum 400 °C phosphorization temperature exhibits outstanding electrochemical performance by delivering a specific capacity (Csp) of 549 C/g (152.5-mAh/g) at a specific current of 1 A/g in aqueous electrolyte (6 M KOH). Additionally, by applying CoCuP@400 as a positive electrode (energy source) and lima bean shell-derived oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur-enriched porous carbon (O, N, S@AC) as a negative electrode (power source), a hybrid supercapacitor device fabricated, which unveiled a widespread working potential window of 1.5 V. In addition, the hybrid supercapacitor device revealed a specific capacity of 38-mAh/g with a maximum specific energy (Esp) of 37.3 Wh/kg and a maximum specific power (Psp) of 12308.8 W/kg as well as exceptional cyclic stability over 10,000 uninterrupted galvanostatic charge/discharge cycles with 89% of initial capacity retention. As a result, after synthetic phosphorization technique for synthesizing electrode materials offers a new avenue for using battery-type supercapacitors.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100335
JournalMaterials Today Sustainability
StatePublished - Mar 2023


  • Battery type electrode
  • Bimetallic phosphides
  • Hybrid supercapacitor
  • Phosphorization
  • ZIF-67


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