X-ray induced photocatalysis on TiO2 and TiO2 nanotubes: Degradation of organics and drug release

Felix Schmidt-Stein, Robert Hahn, Jan Frederik Gnichwitz, Yan Yan Song, Nabeen K. Shrestha, Andreas Hirsch, Patrik Schmuki

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

49 Scopus citations


The photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide under X-ray radiation is of great interest for biomedical applications. In the present work we explore the use of compact TiO2 layers and TiO2 nanotubes for X-ray induced photocatalysis, in particular the degradation of organics and monolayer chain scission for drug release. The radiation was done with a conventional X-ray source and doses up to 50 × 10-3 J/kg. The results show the feasibility of X-ray catalysis on TiO2 and X-ray induced monolayer chain scission by the release of surface attached Zn-porphyrin molecules. Furthermore, a higher efficiency for anatase films and nanotubes is obtained than for amorphous morphologies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2077-2080
Number of pages4
JournalElectrochemistry Communications
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2009


  • Drug release
  • Monolayer
  • Nanotubes
  • Organic degradation
  • TiO
  • X-ray irradiation


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